Python getting started codigence

python programming language | codigence

Python getting started

How to get python?

The most up-to-date and current source code, binaries, documentation, news, etc., is available on the official website of Python You can download Python documentation from documentation is available in HTML, PDF, and PostScript formats.

How to run python code?

There are three different ways to start Python −

Interactive Interpreter :
You can start Python from Unix, DOS, or any other system that provides you a command-line interpreter or shell window.
Enter python in the command line.
Start coding right away in the interactive interpreter.

$python # Unix/Linux
python% # Unix/Linux
C:> python # Windows/DOS

Script from the Command-line :
A Python script can be executed at command line by invoking the interpreter on your application, as in the following −

$python # Unix/Linux
python% # Unix/Linux
C: >python # Windows/DOS

Integrated Development Environment
You can run Python from a Graphical User Interface (GUI) environment as well, if you have a GUI application on your system that supports Python.
  • Unix - IDLE is the very first Unix IDE for Python.
  • Windows − PythonWin is the first Windows interface for Python and is an IDE with a GUI.
  • Macintosh − The Macintosh version of Python along with the IDLE IDE is available from the main website, downloadable as either MacBinary or BinHex'd files.

Installing python on windows:


Select the Compatible latest realease from Python Windows Download Page.Based on your windows Download the Python 2 or python 3 version.


Open the installer. Here we are installing python 3. Make sure "Install launcher for all users" and "Add Python 3.X to PATH" is checked.Then Select Install Now.


Now it's time to run your code. Open the python IDLE. Select File > New File.


Type the code. Save it. Then select Run > Run Module

Hello World Program 😃

print("Hello World")


Hello World

To learn python basics see Python Basics